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HomeCurrent AffairsRye FD Battles Maple Avenue Blaze

Rye FD Battles Maple Avenue Blaze

Rye FD sent along pictures and details of the Maple Avenue blaze:

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(PHOTO: Volunteer firefighters Chiefs Taylor and Cotter begin the fight at 6:15 AM, 8/11/13 on Maple Street, Rye, NY)


The Rye Fire Department saved a house on Maple Avenue on Sunday, August 11, 2013. The call-out at 6:02 AM for the two story, very old structure, the firefighters worked until almost noon to insure the fire was completely extinguished. The two residents of the home were evacuated safely.

The Rye Fire Department's Chief Michael Taylor assisted by Chiefs Peter Cotter and Michael Billington, lead firefighters to battle the insistent blaze. Volunteers from Harrison and Town of Mamaroneck Fire Departments assisted Rye Firefighters on scene. Con Ed, Rye DPW and officials from the Westchester County Department of Emergency Services and Port Chester-Rye-Rye Brook EMS were all on the scene to lend aid.

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(PHOTO: Volunteer Chief Billington with volunteer firefighters Lt.
Anthony Alba and Kyle Wag-man continue the fight, 6:38 AM, Maple
Avenue, 8/11/13 Rye, NY)

Standing by for mutual support were the Village of Mamaroneck FD and Port Chester FD. The Rye Fire Department volunteers train continually to be ready for a major event of this type. The fire spread from the basement to the attic through the interior walls. The blaze created a heavy smoke condition throughout the building, making battling the fire difficult. Additionally, the Rye FD aided in cleaning up with the removal and salvage of home owners property and pumping 2 feet of water out of the basement, before leaving the fire scene.

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(PHOTO: Rye Volunteer Chiefs Cotter and Billington confer with
Westchester County DES and Con Ed,8/11/13 6:56 AM. Maple Avenue, Rye,

The Rye Fire Department dates to 1886 and is staffed by volunteer and career fire fighters. The company answered over 1400 calls last year.

Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. All training and equipment is supplied by the department. Contact Rye FD if you are interested in donating a few hours a year to protect your family and neighbors, see their web page for recruiting and department news.

  1. I’ve seen the RFD up close fighting a dangerous fast spreading fire in my next door neighbors house. They have real courage and they are the best.

  2. To “myrye”

    First off, great job to the City of Rye FD on a nice save. Unfortunately you left out some deserving people from your story.

    In your first picture I can clearly see career firefighter Hal Aken at the pump panel of E-191. You can also see in your same picture a hose line stretching to the rear of the structure. What you don’t see in your picture is career firefighters Andy Northshield and John Cotter who have gained access through a bulkhead style basement door and are at the end of that hose line knocking down this dangerous fire. Good job local 2029 and ALL MEMBERS OF THE RYE FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!

    Jim Groglio

  3. We should not forget that nineteen Arizona firefighters recently died when an out-of-control fire overran them. That same situation could happen anytime in any one of our communities here at home.
    It’s interesting to me to see how these men are willing to risk their lives to protect their community and at the same time Scott Pickup tried to suppress their concerns that were being told to the same public that they protect on a daily basis.
    Mr. Pickup told the City Council and the public “the Fire Department meeting was not taped”. Thus, the beginning of the Dapolite cover-up.
    The City Council should be ashamed of their follow-up actions. But more so, I believe the entire community should be ashamed of what we let the City Council and the City Manager get away with. It’s a smack in the face to our firefighters, to our community and to the Dapolite family.
    Rather than admit a mistake and face the music, the Mayor and the City manager with the help of many others, tried to ruin the career and reputation of a 20 something year old, born and raised Rye resident. Andrew was only guilty of refusing to lie to the people, in the community that he grew up in. This is another blazing example of how this city is being run under the French administration. We should all bow our heads in shame. It is just disgraceful.


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